Italian Consulates have implemented a new website for booking services.
Online since June 2021, Prenot@MI is the new website available to access Italian Consular services, including the services intended for foreigners who want to immigrate to Italy for study, work or family reasons. Its aim is to facilitate the booking and processing time of appointments.
Access the website
To access the website it is first necessary to register, and then choose the nearest Italian Consulate to book an appointment, according to the available dates.
New features with Prenot@mi
Prenot@MI is intended to introduce some innovative features, by ascertaining the identity of users and simplifying the user interface. Furthermore, users can upload all the documents for the services they need, thus reducing the processing times at the counter during the appointment.
The current booking portal (POL)
As a matter of fact, appointments already booked in the current Booking Online portal (POL) will be kept valid in any case.
However, the new portal will progressively replace the current Online Booking portal. Indeed, the current portal will remain active until all appointments already booked are filled.
How does the Prenot@mi system work?
Each citizen has a reserved area in the Prenot@Mi application in which they can view the services provided by their office and book appointments. The content of the main home page is displayed in Italian. However, you can obtain a translation in English by clicking on ENG on the bar at the top right of the page.
Sections available from the Prenot@mi dashboard
In the reserved area the citizen has access to the following sections:
- Book
- My appointments
- My Profile
- Change location
- Disconnect
The Booking Section
In the Book section you access the page containing the list of services provided by the Consulate. First, click on “Book” in correspondence of the chosen service to proceed with the booking. The table of services provided by the Consulate also contains links to the Consulate’s website, where all useful information on each service is provided.
By clicking on the BOOKING link, you will then proceed to the service booking phase and access the page. Here it is necessary to indicate the type of booking chosen.
Applicants can only make one reservation per service from the same account. Therefore, if the message “Reservation already made for this service” is displayed, it is not possible to make a second reservation.
At the moment on the portal there are two different types of reservations available:
- SINGLE BOOKING: the citizen books an appointment only on his/her name;
- MULTIPLE BOOKING: the citizen books an appointment for him/herself and for other family members.
For the VISITS service it is possible to make single bookings only.
On the other hand, for the services IDENTITY CARD and PASSPORT, it is possible to make both single and multiple reservations. In case of multiple reservations it is possible to insert at most one additional applicant.
My Appointments
In the My appointments section it is possible to consult the list of all the appointments booked. This list highlights the information related to the booked service, the booking code, the appointment date and the booking status. The citizen has the possibility to cancel a booked appointment by clicking on the item Cancel booking.
Applicants can cancel reservations any time but cannot restore them.
By clicking on the booking code, you can access the detail of the single appointment, from which you can view the booking data and print it.
My Profile
In the reserved area, citizens will find a My Profile section to access My Data and Change password. The section My Data allows the citizen to modify only the data related to the address or domicile. Applicants can only modify data of the Contacts section, and in particular:
- Address
- City
- State
Through the Change Password function the citizens will be able to carry out the password change autonomously. After changing password, they must use the new password to access the reserved area of Prenot@Mi.
Change Embassy / Consulate
The Change embassy/consulate function allows the citizen to change the reference office of the Prenot@Mi portal, following a change of domicile or residence. With the Change embassy/consulate function, citizens can select the COUNTRY and indicate the new Consular Office for future bookings.
By clicking on the SEND button, the citizen confirms the change of office and returns to the initial log in page. With the same access credentials of the starting office the user can access the new Consular Office.
After changing office, it is possible to view only the reservations made in the new Consular Office and not in the initial one. Reservation requests already made in the initial Consular Office cannot be visualized in the new Consular Office.
If there are Active bookings in the initial Consular Office, it is not possible to perform the embassy/consulate change. As a matter of fact, it is possible to proceed with the change of embassy/consulate only if the reservations are cancelled or if the date of the reservation proceeds the date of the change embassy/consulate.
It is very important to click on Disconnect to correctly end the work session at the end of the operations.
An important feature
From the 10th and up to the 3rd day from the date of the appointment, the citizen will have to confirm the requested reservation. In the absence of confirmation, the system automatically cancels the appointment.
In order to confirm the appointment, you must login into your account/my appointments, then click on the “Booking code” and finally click “Confirm”.
It is not possible to confirm the appointment via email or phone call.