About Studio
Arletti & Partners

25 years of experience

Our Firm serves Companies and Individuals in their global mobility fulfillments since 1998.

Trusted Professionals by the Italian Government

Enrolled in the National Tax Advisor Government List and Professional Auditors.

We have 25 years of experience. Our firm was founded in 1998.

Our firm is professionally insured against civil responsibility (insurance company: Fondiaria-Sai, policy number: 0147.0739414.25 and 1/52981/65/1367077899)

Certified Quality - ISO 9001

TUV certifies yearly A&P quality.
The TUV is one of the most trustful Seal in Quality Certification. It entrusts A&P Services Quality Level.

We are ICE providers & lecturers

Italian Trade Agency

Italian Trade Agency is the Governmental agency that supports the business development of Italian companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy.


We operate in all EU-EEA Countries, Switzerland and Worldwide.

A&P is member of EURA network (European Relocation Association).
We work with some of the best international networks worldwide.

We are also part of the Posted Workers Alliance, the first European Network of posted workers Experts in all EU Countries.

Trusted by Leading Industries Associations

Companies and Individuals
choose A&P in 2023

Alessandro Arletti
Founder of Studio A&P

Chartered Tax Advisor and Founder of Studio A&P, Alessandro Arletti specializes in Italian and International Jurisdictions to support Companies and Individuals in their Global Mobility fulfillments. This includes labour law, social security, immigration, tax services, risk assessment and more.

He cooperates with some of the highest Italian and International Leading Industries Associations, like the Chambers of Commerce in Modena, UK and Germany, Federmacchine, ART-ER and Fondazione Marco Biagi Modena. 

Since 2016 he also teaches International HR Management with Prof. John Geary at Bologna Business School.

Contributions of Dr. Alessandro Arletti

Our Team of Professional Experts

More than 40 people speaking English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.

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