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The Flow Decree for 2023

The decree on migration flows 2023 confirms the quota of 82.705 for non-EU workers.

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October 2023: official Italian flow decree

October 6, 2023: If you are looking for the latest updates, read our latest article on the Italian Decreto Flussi for year 2023

The Gazzetta Ufficiale of the Italian Republic released the new decree on migration flows for 2023, confirming the new flow decree quota in Italy. As confirmed on the Press Release of December 21, 2022, the quota for 2023 is 82.705 workers. The quota includes different types of workers such as employees, seasonal workers, and freelancers.

What does the decree on migration flows state?

Each year, the decree on migration flows in Italy (Decreto Flussi) sets a specific quota for non-EU citizens allowed to come to Italy for work activities and for the conversion of residence permit. The Gazzetta Ufficiale of the Italian Republic confirmed the new quota of 82.705 with the official decree of January 26, 2023.

Below you will find how the quota is divided.

Quota for freelancers and non-seasonal subordinate workers

The 2023 quota for freelancers and non-seasonal subordinate workers in Italy is set to 38.705 and further divided as follows:

  • 30.105 for nationals of countries that ratified immigration agreements with Italy. They can work as non-seasonal subordinate workers in the following industries: road haulage for third parties, construction, tourism and hotel, mechanical engineering, telecommunications, food, and shipbuilding;
  • 1.000 for non-EU citizens who completed training and educational programs in their country of origin;
  • 100 for Venezuelan residents with Italian ancestors;
  • It is possible to convert into residence permits for non-seasonal subordinate workers:
    • 4.400 residence permits for seasonal workers;
    • 2.000 residence permits granted for the purpose of studying, completing internships, and attending vocational training courses
    • 200 long term UE residence permits granted by another UE country;
  • It is possible to convert into residence permits for freelancers:
    • 370 residence permits granted for the purpose of studying, completing internships, and attending vocational training courses;
    • 30 long term UE residence permits granted by another UE country;
    • 500 for freelancers.

Quota for seasonal workers from Countries with Immigration agreements

A dedicated quota of 44.000 spots is set for seasonal workers who are coming from Countries which ratified immigration agreement with Italy. Said citizens can work in the following industries:

  • Agriculture;
  • Tourism;
  • Hotel.

When is it possible to apply for the decreto flussi in Italy?

Applications for the decreto flussi in Italy will start from Monday, March 27, 2023.

What changes from the previous decree?

An important difference from the previous decree is that from now onwards, before hiring a non-EU citizen residing abroad, employers have to check with the employment offices whether in Italy there are workers with the skill set needed and currently unemployed.

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Regulatory Framework

Decree on migration flows for 2023


Press release of the 21st of December 2022


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