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Italian Citizenship by Birth

Learn if you are eligible for Jure Sanguinis and citizenship by birth in Italy according to the available cases of birth or adoption.

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Also known as Ius Sanguinis, the Italian citizenship by birth (or Italian citizenship by Jure Sanguinis) can be acquired by foreigners if they fall within specific cases of birth or adoption.

If you want to know how to get Italian citizenship by birth, below you will find a brief introduction on the requirements to apply for Jure Sanguinis in Italy, as well as documents for the application and time needed.

If you are looking for a broader introduction, have a look at our guide on the Italian Citizenship and learn more about other types you might be eligible for.

Another type of Italian citizenships that relies on the legislation of Ius Sanguinis is the Italian citizenship by descent.

What are the requirements for Italian Citizenship by Birth?

If you were born in Italy from foreign parents and you want to know if babies born in Italy are automatically citizens, make sure you fall within the following cases:

  • A child with a father or mother who is an Italian citizen;
  • Those born in the territory of the Italian Republic if both parents are unknown or stateless, or if the child does not follow the citizenship of the parents according to the law of the state to which these belong;
  • Foreign minor adopted by an Italian citizen. If the adoption is revoked due to the adoptee, the latter loses the Italian citizenship, provided the minor is in possession of another citizenship or reacquires it. In other cases of revocation, the adopted keeps the Italian citizenship;
  • The child of unknown persons found is considered a citizen by birth in the territory of the Republic, unless the possession of other citizenship.

Documents needed and timing to apply

To apply for the Italian citizenship by Jure Sanguinis, the documents generally requested are:

  1. Valid passport;
  2. Residence permit;
  3. Self-declaration for Italian citizenship for being born on the Italian territory.

Authorities usually approve and issue the Italian citizenship by birth in 120 days from the application.

Applying for Jure Sanguinis in Italy

If you are looking to apply for the Italian citizenship by descent, you shall do so at the civil registrar of the Italian municipality (comune) where you intend to reside or establish the Italian residence. In case of residence abroad, the application must take place at the relevant Italian diplomatic or consular authority.

If you were born in Italy and you are wondering if you can get dual citizenship, take a look at our article on Italian Dual Citizenship.

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Regulatory Framework

Law No. 91 of February 5, 1992

Reference (Italian only)

Types of Italian Citizenship

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