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Posting Workers to Italy

Learn current conditions of posted workers in Italy, including immigration, salary conditions, social security and more.

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Based in Italy and active in all EU

Posted Workers Alliance

ISO 9001 Certified

This guide aims at providing you with an overview of the current state of posted workers in Italy. First, after a brief introduction about EU directives and their Italian transpositions, we will check preliminary obligations and immigration requirements. Next, we will analyze working conditions in Italy, including social security, salary obligations and more.

Finally, we will provide a reminder about penalties in case of non compliance when planning to post workers to Italy.

Posted Workers in Italy: Directive 2018/957/EU and transposition into Italian law

Companies from EU Member States intending to post employees to Italy must comply with various legal requirements and provisions. The Directives 96/71/EC, 2014/67/EU and 2018/957/EU set out the guidelines in this regard.

For a complete overview of European Directives on the posting of workers, take a look at our guide on EU Posted Workers Directives.

The Legislative Decree 15 September 2020, no. 122 has implemented the Directive 2018/957/EU. Furthermore, as already established by Decree no. 136/2016, the working and employment conditions of the host Member State also apply – if more favourable to the posted worker – to the employment relationship between the posted workers and the posting company.

Companies posting their workers to Italy must now align their employees’ salary to that of an Italian worker.

However, until September 2020 it was sufficient to adjust the worker’s minimum wage to the national wage – if applicable. Then, the Italian national transposition of Directive 2018/957 made it necessary to fully adjust the posted worker’s pay to that of an Italian worker of the same category by applying the most representative collective agreement.

A&P experts are at your disposal to support your company and your employees in the management of your posting fulfilments to Italy.

Below, we provide a summary of the obligations provided by Italian and European Law on transnational posting to Italy.

Preliminary obligations for posted workers in Italy

The company that sends its employees to Italian territory must send a preliminary declaration of posting to the labour inspectorate. Specifically, the declaration must be sent electronically via the Cliclavoro Website, no later than the start of the posting. It is also required to report all subsequent changes within five days. Every employee needs to be notified before entering Italy.

Companies must notify each employee they intend to post to Italy.

The posting declaration to Italy must include data about:

  • start and end date of the posting;
  • the posting and the host company;
  • number of posted workers;
  • address of the workplace in Italy;
  • type of activity that will take place in Italy;
  • name of a domiciled representative;
  • and more.

In fact, it is also compulsory to appoint a representative that is domiciled in Italian territory. This person will be responsible for liaising between the posting company and the Labour Inspectorate officers (Ispettorato Nazionale del Lavoro).

Immigration requirements and work permit for contracting

Non-EU workers holding a valid work permit in a EU Member State may be posted in Italy for up to 90 days within a 180-period for business-related activities. These include:

economic-commercial reasons, contacts or negotiations, learning and testing the use of capital goods bought or sold in the context of a commercial contract“.

If the activities in Italy differ from those listed above, the employer must apply for a work permit. An example is the entry permit required for subcontracting, applicable when a subcontracting contract exists between the posting company and the Italian client.

Working and salary conditions in Italy

A company sending its employees to Italy is subject to the legal and contractual provisions applicable to employees of companies in the same sector established in Italy. These provisions regard working time, compensatory rest, public holidays, working hours and night work, remuneration (including overtime bonuses), etc.

Is there a minimum national wage in Italy?

Italy does not have a statutory minimum national wage. For this reason, foreign employers must carefully analyze and identify the appropriate Italian collective bargaining agreement and correctly classify each posted worker at the appropriate level.

Mandatory storage of documents regarding posted workers in italy

For the duration of the posting, it is mandatory to keep and make available at request of the labour authorities a copy of the following documents:

  • Employment contracts or equivalent documents proving the establishment of the employment relationship;
  • Payslips;
  • Timesheets indicating the beginning, end and duration of daily working hours;
  • Documents proving the payment of wages;
  • A1 Certificates.

After the end of the posting to Italy, it is necessary to keep all the documentation concerning the assignment for a fixed period of not less than two years.

The domiciled representative in Italian territory must properly store and keep available to foreign labour authorities the documents. In case of a formal request by the competent authorities, posting companies should provide translations in Italian language.

Social security in Italy

Pursuant to Regulation 883/2004, the posting company must apply to the competent social institution for the A1 Certificate.

Italy has entered into bilateral social security conventions with several Extra-EU Countries. The Italian social security institute (INPS) provides for information about the individual agreements, their scope and requirements for aggregation and application procedures.

The Italian construction workers’ social security fund cassa edile

Posted workers in the construction sector have to be registered and pay contribution to the competent Cassa Edile. In fact, their working condition has to be adapted to the relevant national collective agreement as a result of national (D.Lgs. 17/07/2016 n.136) and EU (Directive 2014/67) rules.

This does not apply to workers from countries that have entered a Convention with Italy on the issue (Germany, France, Austria, San Marino).

Temporary workers

Posting of temporary workers to Italy is possible under certain conditions. Their main employer remains responsible for the economic and regulatory treatment and for the formal obligations that arise within posting of workers.

Penalties in case of non-fulfilment of Italian obligations when posting employees

According to art. 12 of the Legislative Decree 136/2016, a failure to send the preliminary declaration of posting is punishable by a fine from €180 to €600 per posted worker.

In the event of failure with the obligation to store any posting-related documentation, the posting company is punishable by an administrative fine from €600 to €3.600 per posted worker.

Failure to designate a representative domiciled in Italy is fined a pecuniary administrative sanction from €2.400 to €7.200.

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Regulatory Framework

Directive 96/71/EC


Directive 2014/67/EU


Directive 957/18/EU


Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004


DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 15 settembre 2020, n. 122

Reference (Italian only)

DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 17 luglio 2016, n. 136

Reference (Italian only)

Learn more about Posting of Workers to Europe

Have a look at our in-depth guides about Posting of Workers to EU Countries. If you don’t know where to start, you can have a first look at our introduction on Posting of Workers to Europe.

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