On thursday, March 31, 2022, Studio Arletti & Partners held a Webinar in collaboration with Industry Associations ACIMAC, UCIMA and AMAPLAST regarding the application of VAT refunds for business trips abroad. A hundred companies joined the Webinar, and most of them were particularly interested in the proper way of bookkeeping for business trips and VAT legislation applied abroad.
The Directive 2008/9 ruling the VAT refund for business trips abroad
The application for VAT refund is ruled by Directive 2008/9 CE, which states that:
taxable persons established in the Member State who paid VAT in another Member State, regarding goods and services there purchased or imported from, may apply for the refund to said Member State, through an application to the Revenue Agency for each tax period.
Topics of the Webinar
The main topics of the Webinar were:
- Legislative requirements to be able to apply for the VAT refund for business trips abroad;
- Analysis of the situation of VAT refund for main European Countries: France, Spain, Germany, UK etc.
- Simulation of benefits and savings for companies;
- Application procedure for the refund;
- Presentation of A&P service to Webinar invitees.
Who can apply
This service developed by Studio Arletti & Partners is targeted to Italian companies working internationally and frequently schedule business trips abroad, within the EU or even overseas.
In particular, the main goal of the service offered to adhering companies is to retrieve the VAT spent on hotels, restaurants and car rental during business trips abroad.