Following the reply to question n.126, the Italian Revenue Agency provided clarifications regarding the facilities on the first house and the repurchase of a property abroad. As pointed out by Circular n. 31/2010, there is the possibility that the tax benefits enjoyed will not be lapsed if there are administrative cooperation instruments that allow to verify that the purchased property is actually used as a habitual abode.
The documents that could be useful for this purpose are:
- The notary deed to purchase the house made abroad;
- Proof of habitual residence in the property purchased abroad (e.g. receipts from utilities).
All supporting documents, which must be provided with apostille and translated into Italian, must be sent via PEC or by the so-called “Raccomandata A/R” to the Italian Revenue Agency Office where the deed of purchase was registered.
The Revenue Agency also clarified the conditions of repurchase of a property in Italy by an individual resident abroad.