Arletti & Partners: Webinar for KVD e.V. Deutschland

Arletti & Partners holds its first online expert forum for the German Customer Service Association KVD.

Table of Contents

Based in Italy and active Worldwide

ISO 9001 Certified

Arletti & Partners holds its first online expert forum for the German Customer Service Association KVD.

On 09/03/2021 Arletti & Partners held a webinar on how companies can avoid risks in short-term work assignments and employee secondments in Italy, which has seen the participation of German companies that regularly post their workers around the EU and the world.

For Italy in particular, the regulations on labour deployments and employee postings are very complex and complicated; in addition the changing applicable pandemic COVID-19 rules need to be obeyed.
Studio A&P informed about how German companies (especially in mechanical and plant engineering) have to comply with the regulations of the Italian government. The parecipants also received special insights into social security, job security, immigration and taxation.

Main contents of the webinar

  • The transposition of Directive 957/18 and the new obligations to comply with for posting employers in the EU
  • Transposition of Directive 67/14 in Italy and the relative notification obligation
  • Covid-19 rules for entry to Italy and related exemption for posted workers
  • Social secrity and EU Regulation 883/04
  • Main aspects of safety at work
  • Aspects of immigration
  • Aspects of Italian Taxation
  • Features of the new A&P plattform to manage all mandatory foreign requirements

Outcome of the webinar

The poll published among the participants showed that the most popular topics for companies are at present the Covid rules, aspects of safety at work and the above mentioned european directives. A&P is happy to support its clients in these and many other aspects, also through the support of its online platform, dedicated to all those companies that regularly post their workers worldwide.

For more information on how to manage your postings in compliance with the main legal provisions, contact us for a brief demo of our platform.

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