On April 20, 2023, the Italian Labour Inspectorate (INL) released data on an extraordinary surveillance operation involving 445 companies throughout Italy, 78% of which were found to be irregular.
Relevant data
A massive extraordinary surveillance operation was launched by the Labour Inspectorate throughout Italy, together with the Carabinieri of the Labour Protection Command. The main sectors involved in this preventive control were tourism and public establishments.
A total of 445 companies were inspected throughout the country, with the exception of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.
The first data published show a general increase in irregularities both in Southern Italy (95% of the companies inspected found to be irregular) and in Northern Italy (78% of the companies inspected).
In numbers
- 2364 work positions checked, of which 809 were irregular;
- 458 illegal workers, including 16 minors and 101 non-EU workers (including 18 without residence permits);
- 330 prescriptions for safety violations;
- 253 suspension orders, of which 180 for undeclared work and 73 for serious health and safety violations. (INL data, 20 April 2023).
Following an analysis of the published data, the most frequent violations were identified as:
- undeclared work;
- irregular working hours;
- contribution omissions;
- incorrect contractual classification;
- undue receipt of citizenship income;
- traceability of wages, and
- video surveillance.
In addition, with regard to health and safety irregularities, the main violation concerned the failure to draw up the Risk Assessment Document (DVR), with 60% of the inspected companies found to be irregular; employees not properly trained, present in the workplace without the relevant compulsory training and refresher courses (12%); and finally, the failure to appoint a prevention and protection officer and to draw up an emergency and evacuation plan (11%).