Studio A&P thanks all the participants to the seminar in collaboration with Fondazione Marco Biagi

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The seminar on Transnational Labour Mobility, organised in collaboration with Fondazione Marco Biagi, took place this morning.

The seminar was held in presence, at the premises of the Fondazione in Modena, and online. The event included a first part, with presentations from professors and representatives of Italian and foreign institutions, and a second section, with a round table, to focus on the main themes of the day,

Studio A&P’s intervention

Mr. Alessandro Arletti represented Studio A&P, presenting EU Directives 96/71 and 2014/67, the requirements deriving from them and the conditions for posting workers in Europe, with a special focus on the metalworking sector.

More than 200 participants, in presence and online.

Studio Arletti & Partners thanks Fondazione Marco Biagi for the support in organising the event, all the speakers who have contributed to the seminar and all the participants.

Thanks also to the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK and to the EU Posted Workers Alliance for supporting A&P in promoting the event.

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