The joint circular issued by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Forestry, and the Ministry of Tourism clarifies the operational guidelines for the Flows Decree 2025 (Decreto Flussi).
For more information, read our article on the Flows Decree for the three-year planning 2023-2025.
Eligibility for the Decreto Flussi
The following categories are included:
- Non-Seasonal Employment – up to 70,720 spots in sectors such as:
- Freight transportation for third parties
- Construction
- Tourism and hospitality
- Mechanics
- Telecommunications
- Food industry
- Shipbuilding
- Passenger transportation by bus
- Fishing
- Hairdressing
- Electricians
- Plumbers, family, and social care.
- Seasonal Employment – up to 110,000 spots in sectors like:
- Agriculture
- Tourism and hospitality.
Employer Requirements
Each employer may submit up to three requests as a private user. This limit does not apply to requests submitted by employers’ organizations.
The required documents previously mandated by the government remain, including:
- Certification of Compliance by professionals (e.g., employment consultants, accountants, or lawyers) or employers’ organizations, certifying compliance with the contract requirements for hiring foreign workers.
- Certificate of Unavailability of workers in Italy, with a waiting period reduced to 8 days after the advertisement’s publication by public employment centers (CPI).
Exceptions for documentation apply to:
- Industry associations
- Employers with a signed memorandum of understanding.
Additionally, employers must now designate a digital address (PEC) in the following databases:
- INI-PEC, for entities registered in the Business Register
- INAD, for entities not required to register and for individuals.
Procedural Updates
From November 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024, quota requests can be pre-filled on the ALI portal. After November, preliminary checks by authorities will take place.
If deemed eligible, employers will receive an activation code at their digital address, to be entered on the ALI portal to finalize the application. Pre-filled data will be used to ease completion.
Applications will be submitted on designated click days.
Applications will be rejected if the employer has not signed the required residency contract in the past three years, unless due to reasons beyond their control, or has been convicted or received a decree for illegal brokerage or labor exploitation.
The employer must confirm the work permit application within 7 days of the worker receiving their entry visa.
To further streamline the process, the residence contract can be signed via PEC (digital address) within 8 days of the worker’s arrival in Italy. The worker can sign with a handwritten signature. Documents must be uploaded on the ALI portal within 8 days of arrival.
Workers can start working before the residence contract is signed, provided that the necessary notifications are sent to social security entities.
Click Days 2025
For non-seasonal employment for citizens from Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea, Ivory Coast, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Japan, Jordan, Guatemala, India, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine, the click day is February 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM.
For non-seasonal employment for citizens from other countries with migration cooperation agreements, stateless individuals, refugees recognized by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees or competent authorities in countries of first asylum or transit, and for non-seasonal workers in family and social care, the click day is February 7, 2025, at 9:00 AM.
For agriculture, the click day is February 12, 2025, at 9:00 AM.
For the tourism-hospitality sector, applications open at 9:00 AM on February 12, 2025, for 70% of the seasonal quota, and for the remaining 30% at 9:00 AM on October 1, 2025.
Further Immigration Updates
Family and Social Care Workers
Starting February 7, 2025, at 9:00 AM, on a trial basis and only for 2025, an additional 10,000 spots will be available outside the quota for workers in family and social care assisting people with disabilities. Applications for these positions must be submitted through duly registered employment agencies (APL).
Long-Term EU Residents
Requests from holders of valid EU long-term residence permits issued by other EU member states are excluded from the quotas, allowing them to engage in economic activities (self-employed or employed) in Italy.
UPDATE: The new Decreto Flussi (Legislative Decree 145/2024) has been published. For more information on the amendments to the Consolidated Immigration Act, read our article on the Flow Decree 2025.