Entrusting the posting procedure to Arletti&Partners, labour consultants will be able to upload the request form for the A1 Certificate and deal with salary alignment, when required. A collaboration like this one allows both parties to take advantage of the services provided.

In order to encourage cooperation between the professionals of this field, Dr. Arletti is planning future meetings in which he will explain the fulfilments of the European Directives mentioned above and will propose the collaboration among parties.

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In order to encourage cooperation between the professionals of this field, Dr. Arletti is planning future meetings in which he will explain the fulfilments of the European Directives mentioned above and will propose the collaboration among parties.

On Wednesday 19th June, Dr Arletti – founder of Arletti&Partners – held a workshop at the provincial Council of Labour Consultants in Piacenza about the fulfilments required by the European regulations on posting of workers abroad. More than 45 consultants have been informed about the regulations provided by the Directives 96/71/CE and 2014/67/EU and by the Regulation 883/2004 together with the services offered by Arletti&Partners, which deals with posting services for all of the 28 Member States of European Union and for States belonging to the European Economic Area.

With this meeting it has been possible to provide the labour consultants of Piacenza with the possibility to take advantage, as agents, of the A&P website services:


Entrusting the posting procedure to Arletti&Partners, labour consultants will be able to upload the request form for the A1 Certificate and deal with salary alignment, when required. A collaboration like this one allows both parties to take advantage of the services provided.

In order to encourage cooperation between the professionals of this field, Dr. Arletti is planning future meetings in which he will explain the fulfilments of the European Directives mentioned above and will propose the collaboration among parties.

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Course held by Dr. Arletti at the Labour Consultants Council of Piacenza

Dr Arletti held a workshop at the provincial Council of Labour Consultants in Piacenza about the fulfilments required by the European regulations on posting of workers abroad.

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Based in Italy and active Worldwide

ISO 9001 Certified

Entrusting the posting procedure to Arletti&Partners, labour consultants will be able to upload the request form for the A1 Certificate and deal with salary alignment, when required. A collaboration like this one allows both parties to take advantage of the services provided.

In order to encourage cooperation between the professionals of this field, Dr. Arletti is planning future meetings in which he will explain the fulfilments of the European Directives mentioned above and will propose the collaboration among parties.

With this meeting it has been possible to provide the labour consultants of Piacenza with the possibility to take advantage, as agents, of the A&P website services:

  • Monitoring orders made by clients and submitting them on their behalf
  • Checking the collected reward fees
  • Following support queries asked by clients


Entrusting the posting procedure to Arletti&Partners, labour consultants will be able to upload the request form for the A1 Certificate and deal with salary alignment, when required. A collaboration like this one allows both parties to take advantage of the services provided.

In order to encourage cooperation between the professionals of this field, Dr. Arletti is planning future meetings in which he will explain the fulfilments of the European Directives mentioned above and will propose the collaboration among parties.

On Wednesday 19th June, Dr Arletti – founder of Arletti&Partners – held a workshop at the provincial Council of Labour Consultants in Piacenza about the fulfilments required by the European regulations on posting of workers abroad. More than 45 consultants have been informed about the regulations provided by the Directives 96/71/CE and 2014/67/EU and by the Regulation 883/2004 together with the services offered by Arletti&Partners, which deals with posting services for all of the 28 Member States of European Union and for States belonging to the European Economic Area.

With this meeting it has been possible to provide the labour consultants of Piacenza with the possibility to take advantage, as agents, of the A&P website services:

  • Monitoring orders made by clients and submitting them on their behalf
  • Checking the collected reward fees
  • Following support queries asked by clients


Entrusting the posting procedure to Arletti&Partners, labour consultants will be able to upload the request form for the A1 Certificate and deal with salary alignment, when required. A collaboration like this one allows both parties to take advantage of the services provided.

In order to encourage cooperation between the professionals of this field, Dr. Arletti is planning future meetings in which he will explain the fulfilments of the European Directives mentioned above and will propose the collaboration among parties.

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