A&P with Farro & Co from Singapore for a webinar on Italian Residence by Investment

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Based in Italy and active Worldwide

ISO 9001 Certified

Studio Arletti & Partners will join Farro & Co as a panelist for a webinar on “Italian Residence by Investment Program.” The webinar will take place on Friday, February 23rd at 10:00 (CET) and will break down the modalities of investment to obtain permanent residence in Italy.

The contribution of Studio A&P for the webinar

Our experts will join the webinar to illustrate the details regarding the Italian Investor Visa (also known as the Italian Golden Visa) and the special tax regime for new residents.

Date of the Webinar

The webinar will take place on Friday, February 23rd at 10:00 (CET)

For further information, Studio A&P is at your disposal.

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