Freelance in Italy

Our certified Tax Advisors can help you carry out your Freelance activities in Italy.

since 1998

Professional Advising for Corporate and Individuals

Studio A&P supports companies and individuals with their activities in Italy and Worldwide, providing specialized assistance in global mobility of workers, Italian and international taxation.

Based in Italy

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ISO 9001 Certified

Chartered Tax Advisors

Relocation Experts

Posted Workers Alliance

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+40 Experts

We speak Italian, English, French, Spanish and German

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A&P in 2023

How to work as a Freelance in Italy

In order to work as a Freelancer in Italy and carry out business activities, it is necessary to be enrolled in the Italian Revenue Agency with a personal VAT number, in order to comply with all the fiscal requirements and social security fulfillments.

In Italy, freelancers can be included in a standard taxation system or flat-rate scheme (i.e. the Italian regime forfettario, but only under specific conditions).

Depending on the professional or service activities carried out, the self-employed worker must register and pay contributions to one of the insurance funds, as required by law (INPS artisans/merchants – INPS separate management) or will be subject to the social security institution of the protected category to which it belongs.

Non-resident subjects registered with AIRE who intend to carry out an activity as a freelance professional in Italy may open a VAT number indicating as tax domicile the place where such activity is carried out

Flat Tax Regime for Freelance Workers

The flat-rate scheme represents the natural tax system in Italy.
All VAT holders may benefit from a tax rate up to 5% when complying with the established requirements.

VAT holders applying the flat-rate scheme determine income under different rules compared with the ordinary scheme, and they apply reduced tax and contribution rates.

Our services to help you become a freelance in Italy

Our Team of certified professional Tax Advisors will support you step-by-step to:

  • choose the business activity that best suits you, among those available in Italy;
  • verify the requirements to access the most favourable tax regime (this includes a simulation of all the tax reliefs)

Moreover, we also provide:

  • Up-to-date software to organize video conferences with customers;
  • A dedicated online portal customers for the collection of the necessary documentation;
  • Advanced software for free to handle all documentation, invoices and other mandatory fulfilments.
  • Opening of the VAT number;
  • Opening of the pension position;
  • Registering with the required authorities, as required by law (Chamber of Commerce, INAIL, etc.);
  • Registering the accounts, providing for the compilation and electronic transmission of the declarations;
  • Guaranteed assistance during the whole fiscal year.

Process and timeline to become a freelance in Italy

Out Senior Tax Advisors will follow every step to help you become a freelance in Italy:

Studio A&P can get your Italian VAT number completely online.

Frequently asked questions about freelance activity in Italy

Studio A&P can support you during contract negotiations so as to ensure the accuracy and compliance with the requirements established for freelance activity.

In some cases, in fact, the Italian law provides that freelancers must establish a contractual relationship with their client.

In Italy, incomes deriving from freelance activity are subject to Irpef taxation (personal income tax). Such taxation is determined on the basis of income brackets, with rates ranging from 23% to 43%. Under specific conditions, it is possible to apply for special regimes, such as the flat tax or the impatriate regime.

Fill in the form below to request a tax simulation and check the income taxes due for your freelance acitivity.

Self-employed workers may apply for the flat tax regime, which provides a 5% flat tax rate and, in some cases, a reduction of social security contributions. In addition to the tax advantage, there is also a semplification of administrative and accounting requirements, resulting in cost savings in terms of management of Partita IVA.

In order to benefit from the advantages of flat tax Italy, a series of requirements must be met.

Fill in the form below to receive a preliminary assessment of your compliance with such requirements, and to get a quotation for a preliminary fiscal analysis and for opening your Partita Iva on a flat tax regime.

In case of inspection from the Italian Revenue Agency, Studio A&P can support you, by directly keeping contacts with the competent offices and providing all the documentation and information needed.

Get professional assistance with an online consultation

Choose date and time you prefer from the available solutions to get a dedicated consultation with our Experts.

Italian Taxation

30 minutes
with 1 Tax Advisor


Italian and Foreign Tax

45 minutes
with 2 Tax Advisors


Tax and Immigration

60 minutes
with 2 Tax Advisors and 1 Immigration Specialist


Book a video-call
with our Experts

Choose date and time that best suit you to schedule a call with our Experts!

Languages available: Italian and English.

Should you decide to further entrust A&P with your case, the cost of the call will be deducted from your first quotation.

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