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Irish immigration law: requirements for posting 3rd country workers employed in Eu Member Countries

An introductory guide on Irish immigration law, including permits needed by non-EU workers and requirements for entering and working in Ireland.

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Posted Workers Alliance

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Third country nationals holding a residence or work permit issued by an EU Member State are not automatically entitled to be posted as part of a transnational provision of services. In fact, in addition to Directives 96/71/EC, 2014/67/EU and 2018/957/EU on the posting of workers, also national provision concerning immigration issues must be taken into consideration. In this case, Irish immigration law provides for five different types of permits, which are used in specific cases.

For more information on EU legislation on the posting of workers, take a look at our guide on EU Posted Workers Directives.

Entry requirements in Ireland

A non-EU citizen must have a valid work permit to operate in Ireland. However, with some exceptions for personal reasons, a worker may work in Ireland without a work permit, but after obtaining a permit issued by the Irish Department of Justice (DOJ).

Depending on their nationality, non-EU workers may or may not be required to have a visa before their departure.

Irish immigration Law

According to Irish immigration law, it is considered a criminal offence:

  • employing someone who does not have a work permit;
  • working without a work permit;

Therefore, falling into one of the situations listed above entails a violation of the law in force for both parties.

This is managed by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) and, depending on the personal needs of each worker, the Irish Department of Justice also plays a key role. Non-EU workers posted to Ireland must also be covered by a medical and travel insurance policy, which is valid for the entire duration of their stay and can be checked at any time.

Types of permits

The type of permit needed by non-EU posted workers depends on their nationality, the immigration rules that apply between their State of origin and State of domicile, the length and frequency of the period of work abroad, and the number of companies where they will work in the host country.

In particular, we have:

  • the Short Stay Business C-Visa, for postings not exceeding 14 days;
  • the Atypical Working Scheme and Visa, for postings not exceeding 90 days;
  • the Van Der Elst Visa, for a maximum period of 12 months;
  • the Contract for Services Employment Permit, for a minimum of 24 months, with possibility of renewal for a further 36 months;
  • the Intra Company Transfer Employment Permit, from a minimum of 24 months, with the possibility of renewal for a further 36 months for senior management and key personnel and for postings of up to 12 months for trainees.

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Regulatory Framework

Directive CE n° 71/96

Reference (Italian only)

Directive UE n° 98/2011


Directive UE n° 67/2014


Directive UE n° 957/2018


Regulation EU of the 29th July 2016, Irish transposition law


Employment Permits Act 2003


Immigration Act 2003


Immigration Act 2004


Learn more about Posting of Workers to Europe

Have a look at our in-depth guides about Posting of Workers to EU Countries. If you don’t know where to start, you can have a first look at our introduction on Posting of Workers to Europe.

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