Buying property in Italy

Studio A&P provides tax consultancy and services to International Clients willing to invest in Italian Real Estate: find out more about the advantages of buying property in Italy.

since 1998

Professional Advising for Corporate and Individuals

Studio A&P supports companies and individuals with their activities in Italy and Worldwide, providing specialized assistance in global mobility of workers, Italian and international taxation.

Based in Italy

We operate in all Europe

ISO 9001 Certified

Chartered Tax Advisors

Relocation Experts

Posted Workers Alliance

ICE Providers & Lecturers

+40 Experts

We speak Italian, English, French, Spanish and German

years of
clients trusted
A&P in 2023

Our support to help you invest in Italian Real Estate

Arletti & Partners can provide full support to those interested in buying property in Italy: from tailor-made assistance to covering all the steps of the purchase, deeds, expenses and Tax Return: all in compliance with the Italian Fiscal Regulations.

Find out more about our process below: feel free to contact us for a quotation or schedule a preliminary call phone-call with our experts!

Tailor-made Assistance

Following a preliminary call and after evaluating the specific situation of the client, our team of tax consultants will prepare a dedicated fee quotation.

We can introduce International Clients to local banks and insurance brokers to open bank accounts and/or to protect their house/investments in Italy.

Moreover, we can coordinate with foreign banks in case funds need to be transferred from abroad.

After buying property in Italy, International Clients may sometimes want to move their residence to Italy.

Our Immigration team has an extensive experience in this field: we can provide full support in all the necessary steps to transfer their center of interest in Italy.

Thanks to our International Tax Team specialized in inpatriate workers, International Clients will be able to benefit from the special tax regimes dedicated to this category.

Buying property in Italy: Our Assistance

When purchasing the property, we will assist you with a preliminary due diligence review. This will help understand if, from the legal, tax, urbanistic, cadastral points of view, your target real estate property has problems or not.

Among the checks we will cover there are:

  • Condominium expenses checks
  • Verification of neighbors’ right of claim on agricultural land
  • Revision of fees charged by the Real Estate Agency
  • Verification of the objective and subjective requirements for the application of reduced registry tax

This is the best way to protect your investment from the beginning.

Tax Compliance of Deeds and Expenses

Arletti&Partners will create a complete dossier of your property in order to assist you with all the related tax obligations, including those subsequent to the purchase.

  • Collection of expenditure documents relating to agency, notary and mortgage expenses for tax purposes;
  • Acquisition, if necessary, of documentation relating to deductible expenses incurred by the previous owner;
  • Advice on renovation expenses (e.g., Ecobonus 110%, 50%…).

After the property purchase, we can provide our International Clients with full tax assistance regarding all annual tax obligations arising from house ownership in Italy.

We can also arrange the payment of taxes on behalf of the client if they do not have an Italian bank account.

Real Estate Income Tax Return

If our clients want to make a profit from their Italian home by renting or selling it, we can assist them in evaluating the best way to save taxation according to the Italian legislation.

Our team is able to advise and assist the International Clients by overcoming any complexities deriving from both Italian and International Tax Systems.

By applying International Treaties, we can prevent the risk of double taxation and support you throughout the entire process of the preparation of the foreign tax return.

Thanks to our network of partners and in collaboration with a foreign advisor, we are able to coordinate both the tax return forms in Italy and abroad.

Our Team of Professional Tax Advisors and Consultants

Book a video-call
with our Experts

Choose the date that best suits you to schedule a call with our Experts!

Languages available: English and Italian.

Should you decide to receive our assistance for your case, the price for the consultation call will be deducted from our first quotation, meaning the call will cost nothing!

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