Global Mobility:
Latest Updates

An in-depth Webinar with our Experts for the latest updates regarding global mobility and international taxation.

Our Global Mobility specialists will all join this webinar to take you through the latest updates regarding global mobility fulfillments when scheduling assignments worldwide.

By the end of the Webinar, you will know about:

  • Immigration fulfillments to enter Italy and foreign Countries like USA, the UK, China, Canada and Japan;
  • Travel Security Management: guarantee the highest safety levels to your employees abroad and how to do that with A&P – Special Section MOG 231. Countries that will be analyzed as an example: Russia, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, China, UAE;
  • Posting of Workers: the new Directive 2019/1152/EU, foreign salary updates, how to properly manage the posting of workers and personnel from third-countries;
  • International Tax: VAT refund for business trips abroad, conditions for permanent establishment and the inpatriates tax regime.


Alessandro Arletti
Founder &
Senior Tax Advisor
Laura Ceccardi
Elisa Storchi
Tax Advisor

More than


years of experience

Our Teams of Experts have extensive experience in posting workers worldwide, inbound and outbound immigration, tax services in Italy and abroad.

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